Wednesday 17 June 2015

Winds of change!

It has been a while since we wrote here

And as the life goes on, we too have moved on in our careers, the roles have changed. The leadership role comes with a lot of responsibility, where the management entrusts you to make decisions good for the business.
One problem I see in the businesses here in the ME is the resistance to change (maybe not just here). And bring about the change is the only thing that drives me these days, changing the work culture, habits, especially in a company where the management feels the need of change. Which I believe is a good sign.
No longer kitchen space is occupied by lesser fortunate in terms of education and culinary background, but the older guard still seems to be not letting it go. Some seek pleasure in disorganization, the rule of fear and control. Learning takes a back seat in such places. They resist female presence in the kitchen, and despise fresher talent, purely as they feel lazy and fear to work together/compete.
More places I go to I see the need for change, and contribute in the ways I can. Teach, show, guide, and coach. The guard changes slowly, but gradually. We are not here to create a revolution but help in the evolution.